Croghan/Croghaun Middle standing stones

Standing Stone (S)

These two standing stones can be found in Croghan middle townland on the southside of Croghan mountain in County Wexford. The stones are in two different fields separated by a road. I identified his first stone with an S, as it's the most southerly. It is an irregularly shaped stone standing 1.4 metres high and is aligned north-south. This is a really beautiful rural area. You can see the stone from the roadway. A short walk down from a field gate brought me to this interesting monolith. The shape of the stone changed dramatically as I walked around it.

Longitude: 6° 18' 57" W. Latitude: 52° 46' 27" N. South stone.

Standing Stone (N)

About a 100 metres to the NNE, in a field to the north of the roadway, stands the second stone in Croghan middle townland. It stands 1.20 metre high and is also aligned north south. I just took a few shots from the roadway as he field was full with sheep. In the top image the brown triangular shape is on the south side of the stone. The image to the right was taken from the south-east. Please seek permission before entering any fields and please keep all gates closed during and after your visit.

Situated: Heading south from the Gap Pub at Annagh, take the first left turn. After about 3 kilometres turn left up a Cul-de-sac. About 350 metres up here park at the sharp bend. The south stone can be seen in the field on the west side.

Discovery Map 62: T 1368 7064. Last visit July 2019.

Longitude: 6° 18' 55" W. North stone.

Latitude: 52° 46' 30" N.

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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